Ever since opening our doors more than 34 years ago, one of our top priorities is going above and beyond what’s expected, whether it comes to expert knowledge from our dedicated staff members or quality workmanship that ensures you get the most out of your wheel alignment or mechanical services.
This month, we are proud to announce the addition of Openpay to each of our Big Wheels Truck Alignment retail locations throughout Australia. This partnership provides further tailored solutions for our customers. Check out the details below to see how we can help you streamline and plan your vehicle maintenance, upkeep, upgrades and accessories.
What Is Openpay?
Simply stated, Openpay is an app that allows you to purchase products from a (growing) list of approved local merchants and pay for them on your own time, on your own schedule, interest-free. Personalise your payment plan according to your budget and enjoy services now while paying for them later.
Customer Benefits
For obvious reasons, Openpay is a popular alternative to credit cards in Australia, as you don’t have to worry about exorbitant interest rates or larger purchases leaving you in a rut until your next scheduled pay day.
Especially in consideration of upcoming holiday season, Openpay is an excellent resource for budgeting your purchases at your own payment intervals, instead of the pre-chosen fortnightly payment schedules typical of other, similar apps.
While early payments can be made easily in the Openpay app, payments are otherwise taken out according to your scheduled plan of repayment you choose online or in store. Payment reminder notices are included, making the process as simple as possible.
If you’re thinking of initiating a service, repair or upgrade of items for your 4WD, this is the perfect time to take advantage of our new Openpay service!
Overview of Sign Up Requirements
For all terms and conditions visit www.openpay.com.au
To sign up for Openpay, customers must:
• Be 18 years of age or above
• Provide valid I.D.
• Provide valid email address
• Provide two contact phone numbers
• Provide valid Visa or MasterCard (credit and debit are accepted)
Big Wheels Retail Purchases
After adhering to the app’s standard Terms & Conditions and being approved for use, you will pay no interest at all on any item purchased from our retail stores, including all 4WD accessories and 4WD suspension component lift kits.
Give us a call on 1300 655 050 to find out what 4WD items we have in stock at our nearest retail location, and we look forward to making your future purchases with us a breeze.
· Big Wheels Truck Alignment are an authorised merchant of open pay
· Terms and conditions including approval of credit facilities are subject to Openpays Terms and Conditions and subsequent application approval.
· Please note terms and conditions do apply!